Getting Started with NVivo to Manage the Whole Research Process

Getting Started with NVivo to Manage the Whole Research Process

This session will introduce NVivo to set-up its use to manage the research process. We begin with an overview of the role of NVivo in the research process and an orientation to its capabilities. This includes how NVivo can be used to facilitate a literature review and to analyse qualitative data (e.g. transcripts, visual materials, reports, online content etc) and mixed data (e.g. open and closed survey responses etc). In addition we consider key considerations for planning a computer-assisted analysis and discuss the potential role of AI in the process, and the ethical implications. This session is designed for those who are beginning their research and completely new to NVivo, and will also serve as review and consolidation to those who have already started doing their research and using NVivo. 

More information:Getting Started with NVivo to Manage the Whole Research Process

Related LibGuide: Digital Skills Workshops for PhD Students (UNIGE and Geneva Graduate Institute) by Isabelle Vuillemin-Raval

3 September, 2024
09:00 - 13:00
Time Zone:
Central European Time (change)
  PhD students/candidates  
  Digital Skills  

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